all who have come out:
want to take this time to thank you. You did not have to come, yet you did. Tonight we will stand as one. Tonight
will be my last time to stand as GO and presiding Druid. This is a special night
and much is going to happen.
each here, even if it is in spirit, I ask this of the Kindred for you.
the Shining Ones be kind to you and bless you with love.
May the Ancestors watch over you and keep away ill will.
may the nature spirits give you prosperity.
am honored to have been apart of this Protogrove and community. I love many and
hope nothing but the best for all who will continue onward. Thank you for a wonderful
time spent and memories unlike any other.
much love,
Lesley Gary
Beach Ritual 2008
Ritual for the beach….this ritual is for cleansing, blessings, passing of the grove
to others, and healing. There is no title that fits it. There is too much going on in it to say it was for this or that.
It is a ritual of many workings.
Items needed for ritual:
Sage, Well, Tree, Fire pit, chalice, silver, whiskey, water, oil, herbs, grain, sword, Sigel, runes, staff,
ritual book, table, bowls to hold things, drums, bell, beer, plate of food, incense, paper, pens,
Out line and chants:
- Ritual set up to be done by presiding druid and other callers of the ritual.
- Pre-ritual where all will be explained. - Lesley
- Two Power Meditation to bring all as one - Lesley
- Procession to ritual space. - All
By the Land Beneath Us
By the
land beneath us
By the sea surrounding us
By the sky above us
We come unto the gods
- Outsiders acknowledged on way – Andrew (beer and food given)
- Purification of participants –
Lesley and Andrew (sage and water)
- Bride called for Bardic inspiration – Lesley (whiskey to fire)
Power of inspiration, attend to us; Come into our hearts' shrine. Guide our rite in the way of truth. O power of inspiration
in this holy place, O power of inspiration at this holy time. Biodh se!
- Honoring of the Earth Mother - Lesley (grain
given to earth)
Earth Mother,
we sing to your body,
Earth Mother, we sing to your bones,
Earth Mother, we honor your spirit,
Earth Mother, we honor
your stones.
Author Unknown
- Honoring of the Sky Father – Andrew (incense
given to the fire)
Sky Father, we sing to your heavens,
Sky Father, we sing to your dome,
Father, we honor your spirit,
Sky Father, we honor your realm.
By Lesley Gary
- Statement of Purpose – Lesley
Cutting of binds
Passing of grove
- Creating the Cosmos – Lesley (Oil to fire, smoke to tree, and silver to well)
Fire, bright fire
to the Shining Ones
Fire, bright Fire
Our passage to the Sky
Fire, bright Fire
Warmth of our Community
of Life
We honor you now
Well, deep Well
Gate to the Underworld
Well, deep Well
Our passage to the Sea
deep Well
Wisdom of the Ancestors
Waters of Life
We honor you now
Tree, great Tree
Gate that reaches everywhere
great Tree
With you we share the Land
Tree, great Tree
Our passage to the Otherworld
Source of Life
We honor
you now
By Pandora
- Calling to the gate keeper and Opening the gates – Lesley (Kirk Style with staff)
Druid 1 says:
Sacred is this
land to us; sacred is all land to us, for it is the world in which we walk.
Waves of the sea,
you are touches of the Otherworld dancing endlessly to rise and recede at our shores.
Skies above, you
are the very world of the Gods of our people, with shining eye, sweeping winds, and blessings raining down.
We are here in
the Sacred Center
of the worlds of land, sea and sky. Here the Gates Between The Worlds may be opened.
A drum beat begins and rattles are used to fill the
sound. The People begin to chant, over and over: Open the Gates. Open the Gates. Open the Gates……
When the chants, drums and rattles are well established,
Druid 1 says (over the chants):
Gatekeeper! Open
the ways for us. We walk in your holy ways; we walk the Sacred Road.
Share your power with us; ward us as we walk in safety. Gatekeeper, accept our sacrifice!
The chanting, drums and rattles continue. They increase
in speed and volume.
Druid 1 holds the bottom of his staff, pointing the
top of it at the top of the World Tree. He begins to spin widdershins, faster and faster. When his staff first passes the
Fire, Druid 1 says:
Let the Fire open
as a Gate!
He continues spinning at least one full revolution.
As his staff passes over the Well, Druid 1 says:
Let the Well open
as a Gate!
He continues spinning at least one full revolution.
As his staff passes by the Tree, Druid 1 says:
Let the Tree connect
the Worlds!
There is a loud drum roll ending in a strong stroke.
The chant, drumming and rattles stop. Druid 1 stops spinning, holds both hands (and staff) in the air and shouts:
Let the Gates be
- Calling the Three Kindred – Diana (oil for ancestors, grain for nature spirits,
and incense to Shining ones)
Inviting the Kindreds: Chthonics/Mids/Uppers (Samhain 2007)
By Michael J Dangler
Calling to the Upper Kindreds
High in the Heavens, Heroes and Holy
Beyond the visible reaches of the Sky
Beyond the Veil of the Stars and Sun
Those Kindred that shine with light from
Shining Ones, Ancestors, Nature Spirits
Far-Seeing and Brightly clothes in gold light
Come to my Fire, offerings for Thee
A welcome to the Powers of Heaven
Be comfortable in m y abode tonight.
Calling to the Middle Kindreds
Here among us are Gods and Dead and Sidhe
Standing within mists, coming to meet us
Coming nearer as we give offering
Standing next to us in our times of need.
In trees and streams, under foo t, in the
The Spirits of Place surround us always
Their songs reach our ears, their beauty
our eyes
I call welcome to Spirits of this Realm
Be comfortable in m y abode tonight.
Calling to the Chthonic Kindreds
Down below our feet, deep within the ground
In the fertile womb of the Earth Mother
Are denizens of Dark, unknown to us:
Gods of the Earth, Ancestors, and Earth-Kin.
Our bones will rest here though our soul
will rise
Now we pour libation to these Kindred
Knowing their place in life and the Cosmos
I welcome the spirits of Dark Earth.
Be comfortable in m y abode tonight.
- Deities of the Occasion – Lesley
Domnu (Silver
to ocean)
Dagda (Oil to fire)
- Allow other to cast up how they feel fit
(These were chosen before hand and asked.)
- Paper passed out for the letters of concern for those we follow
to handle to be given to the fire - Lesley
- Letters written - All
- Offered in silence to the fire, with maybe on drummer - All
- Water cleansing in ocean - All
(once for body, once for mind, once for spirit)
- Cutting of negative ties, bindings, or things that are causing harm for those that wish to have a ceremonial cutting.
– Lesley for those that wish (Sword)
- Passing over leadership of grove – Lesley and Andrew (Sigel)
- Other business if any is needed
- Prayer of Sacrifice – Lesley (oil to fire)
- Omen - Andrew
- Return blessings asked for – Lesley (Chalice and water)
- Acknowledge - All
- Waters of Life passed around - All
Pour the waters,
raise the cup.
Drink your share of wisdom deep.
Strength and joy now fill us up.
As the elder ways we keep.
extra verses)
When in ancient pagan days,
Fire was lit in sacred groves,
Powers of the gods did flow,
healing, wit, and love.
We in our time likewise go,
To the grove our trove to give,
To the gods, the dead, the
And their blessings to receive.
So pour the waters, raise the cup.
Drink your share of wisdom deep.
and joy now fill us up.
As the elder ways we keep.
By Ian Corrigan
- Thanking those called – those that called up
- Close Gates - Lesley
- Thank the Earth Mother – Lesley
- Thank the Sky Father - Andrew
- Closing of ritual - Lesley